Thirsty Plants 101: How to Keep Them Happy and Hydrated

Thirsty Plants 101: How to Keep Them Happy and Hydrated

Welcome to your comprehensive guide for the care of moisture-loving plants! Picture Peace Lilies, Boston Ferns, Spider Plants, and Aglaonema more! Ready to understand these picky swamp and rainforest darlings a little better? 

In this blog, I'm going to share my top tips to help you keep all water-loving plants healthy and thriving. From beginners to experienced plant parents, there's something here for everyone: potting mix, pots, placement and self-watering solutions (yes, I'm biased with favorite one, but I'll also compare to other solutions!). Let's get started! 🥰

The Right Soil Mix for Thirsty Plants

Moisture-loving plants need a potting mix that can hold water without turning into a marshland. Look for a balanced mix that includes coconut coir, composted bark, perlite, and vermiculite. These components provide good drainage while holding just the right amount of moisture for your plants' roots.

And here's a little tip: opt for peat-free alternatives like coir, which comes from coconut husks that would otherwise go to waste. Not only does coir hold moisture well and promote healthy root growth, but it's also more environmentally friendly. Add some organic matter like compost or worm castings for additional nutrients. By choosing sustainable, you're helping both your plants and the environment.

Still feel your plants need more hydration? Consider adding water-absorbing additives like water-retaining crystals or hydrogels to the mix.

Guess what? Worm castings! 🐛💩

Choosing Pots: Balance Moisture and Avoid Overwatering

Choosing the right pots can greatly impact how well your thirsty plants are doing. Select pots made of materials that have better moisture-retaining properties, such as plastic or glazed ceramic. These materials help maintain moisture levels by preventing excessive water loss.

When using a pot that prevents the moisture from evaporating, it becomes even more important to make sure that your pots have adequate drainage holes. This is to prevent waterlogging, which can lead to root rot. Some pots even have features like raised feet or bottom gaps for better ventilation and moisture regulation.

And finally, make sure there's enough room for your plant's roots to spread out and absorb water effectively.

Consider glazed plastic pots to retain moisture

Easy Plant Parenting with Self-Watering Solutions

In addition to selecting the right potting mix and pots, self-watering solutions are a game-changer for maintaining optimal moisture levels for moisture-loving plants. Here's what you need to know!

Plant spikes and watering globes are inserted into the soil to slowly release water from the top. Be sure to insert them at a precise 90 degree angle, to avoid leakage, water-logging and to make them last a little longer!

Self-watering pots have a built-in reservoir that holds water, allowing the plant to draw moisture via a wick as needed. These system provides a consistent and controlled water supply, reducing the risk of overwatering or underwatering. 

To use wicking systems and self-watering pots effectively, follow these steps:

Set up the pot

Fill the reservoir with water through the designated fill spout or opening. Ensure that the pot's wicking system, typically a wick or capillary mat, is moist, in place and properly positioned to draw water from the reservoir to the plant's roots.

Monitor the water level

Regularly check the water level in the reservoir and refill it when needed. Avoid overfilling, as it can lead to waterlogging, especially if the reservoir is located under the pot.

Observe plant response

Pay attention to how your plants respond to self-watering pots. Adjust the frequency of refilling the reservoir based on their water requirements and environmental conditions.

Shift the water

Instead of simply refilling, make it a regular practice to shift the water in the reservoir. This helps minimize the build-up of germs and bacteria, ensuring a healthier environment for your plants.

Flush regularly

Once a month, top water your plants to flush away any build-up in the pot. Consider supplementing with a fertilizer at the same time to provide additional nutrients to your plants.

My pick? Plantstraws off course! 

If you already have some nice pots, love a little plant styling but want the benefits of self-watering, you have come to the right place! Plantstraws function similarly to self-watering pots by acting as a wicking devices, allowing the plant to draw water from a cute vase as needed. Just insert the straw into the soil with the wick under the roots. Ensure the other end is immersed in water, and you're good to go!

You'll need to repot to install a self-watering solution

Location, Location, Location: Plant Edition

The placement of your plants can significantly affect their health and growth. Here are some tips:

Avoid direct sunlight

While some plants need sun, many moisture-loving ones prefer indirect or filtered light. Direct sunlight could dry out their leaves and speed up soil drying. Look for areas with bright, indirect light often found where you have that gentle morning or evening sun as well. 


Soft Evening Light

Mind the humidity

These plants often thrive in humid environments. Consider grouping them together or place them in high-humidity rooms like bathrooms or kitchens. A room humidifier or a tray of water near the plants can also increase humidity.

Maintain air quality

Keep the plants away from drafty windows, heaters, or air conditioning vents, which can affect both air and soil moisture levels. A comfortable indoor temperature range for these plants is usually 18-24°C (65-75°F).

Watch your plants

Pay attention to how your plants respond to their environment. If you notice any signs of stress like wilting, browning leaves, or slow growth, it might be time to adjust their placement. Remember that the changing of seasons might have great impact on your plants, so be prepared to move them when it's needed. 

Extra Plant Care Hacks for the Win

The placement of your plants can significantly affect their health and growth. Here are some tips!

Mind the humidity

Many moisture-loving plants thrive in humid environments. Increase humidity by placing a pepple tray filled with water near your plants or using a room humidifier. Misting the leaves with water can also help mimic their natural habitat. Grouping plants together can create a microclimate of increased humidity.

Moisture check

Keep an eye on your soil's moisture levels. Use a moisture meter, or get hands-on with the finger test: Insert your finger into the soil up to the second knuckle. If the soil feels moist, postpone watering; if it feels dry, time to water. Note that the finger test only works for top-watered plants.

Watch for signs of overwatering or underwatering

With a risk of stating the obvious - moisture-loving plants can be a bit touchy when it comes to watering. Look out for signs of overwatering or underwatering like wilting, yellowing leaves, or root rot. And remember—moist soil is good, waterlogged is a no-no.

By Freepik

Wrapping Up

I hope this guide has empowered you to become a confident carer of even the pickiest plants! Remember, each plant is unique and will require slight adjustments to its care routine. However, pick and choose from the advice shared here, and you're sure to create a thriving indoor jungle in no time.

Happy gardening, and may your plants always be quenched with the perfect amount of moisture!

Stay hydrated! ✌️


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