Returns and Exchanges
We understand that sometimes things don’t work out, and we want to make the process of returning or exchanging as smooth and hassle-free as possible. Below you’ll find all the information you need to manage returns and exchanges, ensuring a straightforward and satisfying experience.
You have 14 days from the delivery date to return your order. For orders placed in November and December, the return window is extended to January 31. You have the right to return your items for any reason; however, we may ask a few questions for our own statistical purposes.
When submitting a return request, please ensure your item is eligible for a refund: we only accept unused products in return. Products must be returned in the original manufacturer's packaging and securely packed into a slightly larger package to prevent damage to both the product and the original packaging.
Please note that any items sent to us without initiating a return process first won't be eligible for a refund.
Return Process
To start the return process, submit a request via the form below. You will be able to download and print the return shipping labels immediately. Please place them fully visible on your parcel. You will receive updates from us throughout the process: when your return request is submitted, when we have received your shipment, and when we have inspected your items.
Return Shipping Fee
For returns within Sweden, a refund shipping fee of 49kr will be deducted from your refund. For refunds from a country within the EU, a refund shipping fee of €10 will be deducted. For refunds from all other countries, a refund shipping fee of $15 (USD) will be deducted.
Original Shipping Fee
The cost of your original shipping will not be refunded. If you took advantage of a free shipping offer, the original cost of that shipping service will be deducted from your refunded amount.
The quickest way to receive your new items is to start a return process for a refund and place a new order right away. You also have the option to submit an exchange request via the form below within 14 days of delivery. If you submit an exchange request, we will automatically send your new item after we have received, inspected, and approved the returned item. If your requested item is no longer available in our store by the time we receive the return, we will treat your order as a return and refund your purchase in line with that instead.
If you receive a damaged or defective item, or if you received an item you did not purchase, please let us know right away so we can make it right. To start a complaint process, submit a request via the form below. Please note that any items sent to us without starting a process first won't be eligible for a refund. To submit a complaint, you need to upload 1-3 photos and briefly explain the issue. We will review your complaint based on the photos and description, and we will not ask you to return the items. We will also refund the original shipping fee. Please recycle responsibly.
Once a refund for your return or complaint is approved, you'll see the money back on your original payment method within 3-10 business days. If it's been more than 10 business days and you haven't received your refund, please email us by responding to one of your order confirmation emails.
Exceptions / Non-Returnable Items
Unfortunately, certain items can't be returned, such as perishable goods, custom products, personal care items, and we can't accept returns on sale items or gift cards.
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